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Committing to your New Years Resolution

The holiday season is upon us and we are nearing the end of yet another year. This is about the time when people start reflecting back on their previous year and thinking about all the changes they would like to make starting January 1st. The most common "New Years Resolution" is to become fit and healthy, but far too often I have seen people lose motivation and completely abandon their fitness goals without even really committing to them. Through my experience as a personal trainer I know first hand that those who start their new years resolution with a personal trainer are almost always more successful in achieving their goals than those who try and do it on their own. Here's why!


Having a personal trainer is a set, paid appointment. Having this appointment pushes those negative voices out of your head that try to convince you that "you're too tired", or "you have other stuff to do at home". It is all too easy to skip a workout when you have no one counting on you to show up.


A personal trainer can create an exercise program that is specifically designed to you and your fitness goals. Whether your goal is to loose 15 pounds by next spring, or improve core strength after an injury, each exercise program is different and is set up for your success.


Most beginner exercisers gain piece of mind knowing their every move is being overseen by a professional that can correct form, adjust posture, monitor breathing, count repetitions etc. Your trainer will also guide you and make suggestions for how often you should rest, how you should be hydrating and can also monitor heart rate and blood pressure throughout the workout.

How do you know if you are ready to have a personal trainer?


One of the main barriers to hiring a personal trainer is cost. Most people have a hard time investing money in themselves when there are plenty of other everyday expenses like groceries and bills that need to be paid. My suggestion to anyone looking to hire a personal trainer is to ask themselves these questions: How badly do you want to see improvements in your health and fitness level? How important is it for you to achieve your goals? Are you ready for a lifestyle change?

Personal training is not a one week quick fix. It takes time, patience and persistence. A consultation with a personal trainer can help you figure out how much training you will need based on what your goals are. They will also help plan out the best option for you to work within your budget. If the cost of one-on-one training is not feasible, look into other group programs. Sometimes gym facilities will offer similar training and accountability programs at a cheaper rate. Check out Active Living Fitness Club's "Making Time For Exercise" Program:!promos/ciod

Recovery from post injury or illness:

Anyone who has experienced a period of prolonged illness or injury will understand the impact such a condition can have on the body. While doctors and physiotherapists may clear you for exercise, it may be nerve racking to even think about where or how to begin. At Active Living Fitness Club all of our certified personal trainers work along side the physiotherapists from Active Living Physiotherapy. We are in a unique position to offer rehab based personal training to anyone looking to start exercising again.

No matter what your goal or New Years Resolution, personal training can help you achieve success. If hiring a personal trainer is something you're thinking about, evaluate your goals and ask yourself if you are truly ready to make a change. Shop around, find a trainer who understands you and make this year your healthiest and fittest one yet!

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